Did you know that your tongue helps you taste, eat, and speak? But here are five fun facts about your tongue. which you may not have known before

3 things about your tongue which you may not have known before
1. Your tongue is just as vulnerable to bacteria as your teeth.
Although there is no risk of decay But your tongue is exposed to the same ยูฟ่าเบท https://ufabet999.app types and quantities of bacteria as your teeth. And as you may have noticed Tongue is not smooth It has small bumps and grooves. These bumps are called “papillae.” It is the shape and arrangement of the papillae on your tongue that create a reservoir for food particles and bacteria in the pockets. good mouth
If not properly taken care of These bacteria can promote plaque formation. This can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. But don’t worry. This is where your daily oral care habits come into play. You may have heard that it’s important to brush your tongue after brushing your teeth. Now you know the reason. The health of your tongue affects the health of your teeth.
2. Tongue scraping is not better than brushing.
We humans are familiar with fighting bad breath by chewing gum or sucking candy, but many people misunderstand. This is because bacteria that causes “bad breath” resides mostly on the tongue. And I think tongue scraping is better than traditional tongue brushing. However, scientists disagree because the bacteria that cause bad breath are called “bad breath” bacteria. In a study by the Journal of the American Dental Association (ADA), researchers found that Even the whole tongue cleaning machine Tooth brushing (a combination of a brush and scraper) and a tongue scraper are more effective at reducing VSC levels than regular brushing. But the results only lasted for 30 minutes. After that, VSC levels in all three methods returned to normal. At only 30 minutes, the ADA does not support tongue scraping as a useful weapon in the fight against bad breath.
3. The tongue can become “hairy”.
You read that right. There’s actually an oral health condition called “hairy tongue” which makes your tongue appear to be covered in hair. Remember the papillae from the first fact? If for any reason They are unable to shed dead skin cells. Instead, they attach to the excess tissue and continue to grow. These papillae protrude from the base of the tongue. It traps more food particles and bacteria than normal. The papillae are then stained according to the bacteria that come into contact with them. It makes your tongue look hairy. The “hair” can be black, brown, or white, depending on what you eat or drink. But don’t worry. A furry tongue is usually not dangerous or painful and can be easily brushed out. With a tongue scraper or toothbrush
Causes that can cause the tongue to become hairy
- Poor oral health: Not brushing and flossing regularly can cause bacteria to build up on the tongue and encourage a furry tongue.
- Smoking: Smoking can thicken the skin cells on your tongue and lengthen the papillae.
- Drinking certain beverages : Tea, coffee, and alcohol can stain the papillae and make them appear hairy.
- Use of certain medications: Antibiotics and other medications Some can affect the shedding of skin cells on your tongue and cause a hairy tongue.